Products > Wound Care > Drapex Incise Drapes

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Features and Benefits:

  • Drapex is a transparent, adhesive glaze-free polyurethane film that is waterproof and a complete bacterial barrier.
  • Drapex reduces the risk of intra-operative wound infection.
  • Drapex prevents access of environmental bacteria to the wound. Due to the high vapor permeability of the film, the drape stays closely adhered to the skin and wound margin.
  • Drapex stretches to allow skin retraction without trauma to the skin surface. It moulds to the body contour and permits free manipulation of the joints during orthopedic surgery.


Code Size Pack
37701 15 cm x 28 cm 50 Drapes
37702 30 cm x 28 cm 20 Drapes
37703 45 cm x 28 cm 20 Drapes
37704 40 cm x 42 cm 20 Drapes
37705 45 cm x 55 cm 20 Drapes



Sales Office:
Tel.:+2 02 22911493 / +2 01226522333
Tel.: +20 55 4361684